You Are Enough


*Let me just make this clear from the beginning, you are enough.*

Take One Thing Off

Coco Chanel said famously," Before leaving the house, stop, look in the mirror- and take one thing off". This is a world philosophy in a nutshell. Pay attention, please.

You are fine just the way you are. You need add no unnecessary extras. Don't think you have to present yourself to the world in added armor, disguised as someone else.

After all, how is someone going to fall in love with the real you unless the real you is present?

Leddick, David. I'm Not For Everyone. Neither Are You.

Visuals Are Long Lasting

Can you recall a time you didn't flood your mind with phrases beginning with

"If only I had..." and "If only I was..."

I can't either.

Makeup ads, diet fads, and billboards of desired men/women have permeated society's subconscious since the early 20th century, but have since spiraled out of control. Just take a gander at Instagram and you'll know exactly what I mean. Campaigns like AerieReal and Refinery29's deliberate use of un-retouched photos are popping up little by little in hopes of mending some false perceptions, but their long lasting effects won't be felt immediately.

We're still not happy with ourselves.

Our Role In The Game

Companies have made BILLIONS of dollars profiting off of our insecurities. We buy into our doubts. Every. Single. Day. We've been conditioned into thinking we always need fixing, and this will always translate into spending. But, it gets overwhelming, doesn't it? The preoccupation of having to keep up with this arbitrary ideal is quite frankly, bullshit. New car, new wardrobe, new ass, new everything. Like seriously, this can't be normal.

Worst of all is that we know it isn't, but we feed into it anyway. I mean, we're human beings who crave to feel wanted and liked, and we'll do whatever it takes to feel accepted. We can't be too hard on ourselves on this. Right?



False Perception

There has and always will be a place for us when we're simply being ourselves. People will still be attracted to us without the extra-ness (I just recently learned this), but we've been convinced that in our purest form we're so flawed that it merits layers upon layers of cover up.

But...It's not true.

It takes a lot of guts to bare it all. And by that, I mean taking the time to learn who you actually are (without associating yourself with things outside of your being) and then showing it to the world, however, it's the only way you'll attract true honesty into your life. And there's no doubt that's what we all want.

We've become so afraid of renunciation that we run away from ourselves, but that won't resolve or prevent anything. We will never avoid rejection. We just have to take it in stride and be who we were born to be.

Without apologies or amending.

The Takeaway

My theory is that when you're yourself, you'll inspire others to do the same. Some people really just need a sign that they're not in it solo, and then VOILA the mask is off. When you decide to start living life on your terms you'll quickly see how that façade wasn't necessary after all, and it'll bring out the best approval of all.


 Remember the instances that the "real" you led you to encounter radiant souls.

Please don't forget those splendid occurrences.

You are enough. See it. Believe it. And live like it.


Finding Peace


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