Breathe Easy


What A Disturbing Realization

This post is for those of you who are feeling an inexplicable heaviness.The tragedy that happened this past Saturday has shaken us all. We woke up to headlines reading "The Largest Mass Shooting in American History". You were probably thinking, "My God those poor people, they were targeted just for being themselves. That could've easily been me".  And then you soon're living through a small, but unfortunate part of history.What a disturbing realization.At a time when technology and globalization should be propelling us to new heights in acceptance and interconnectedness, we're quickly noticing that it has also created the opposite and it's left most of us feeling desperate.The uncertainty of tomorrow has never felt this uncomfortable. All of a sudden we're all simultaneously thinking of all the things that could go wrong because this time it hit home. A part of me feels naive because murders happen too often throughout this country and I continue on with my life unfazed. I don't want to admit that I have "selective grief" but in this situation, it may seem as though that's the case. I personally tend to dwell on unfortunate situations intensely and it has interrupted the flow in my day-to-day on far too many occasions so I've forced my brain to shut out those feelings, but the Orlando shooting provoked feelings I (we) couldn't simply ignore.

We Are On The Edge

We're on the edge and already vowing to just stay in and avoid coming in contact with too many people. We're contemplating our safety, happiness, and future. We're angry at our world for cultivating human beings that could cause so much pain and destruction to innocent lives. All we can muster up is "Ya este mundo se ha puesto demasiado feo". I've suddenly become extra skeptical of every stranger that passes me and I feel like the warmness that attracts people to me is slowly freezing over.What happened at Pulse could've happened to any of us. The victims of were just like you and me.The segregationists will use this as an opportunity to push their own agendas, but at this point, I think we're all tired of it. Our sadness is too crushing to lend our ears to their crap.

We Can Only Be Divided If We Say So

The divisiveness between us will only heighten if we let it so let's please remember that we're actually in this together.No more disconnection and fear of each other. Instead, let us band together by showing acceptance and by sticking up for each other whenever odiousness tries to make an appearance. Don't ignore that homophobic comment. Don't ignore that Islamaphobic comment. Don't ignore that racist comment. Realize your role in shifting society and creating the world we want.We all have to coexist and to make the world worth living in.  That means confronting everyday situations to remind individuals you won't accept entitlement, bigotry, and ignorance to divide us.

You Are The Solution

You are part of the solution.As we start our day and go out into the world we have to keep in mind that we're not carrying this weight alone, and we also will not rid of it alone.Always choose love.You lose everything with hate and gain the world with love.


I Only Want Half Of You


We're Trying Not To Give Up