We Gon Be Alright


What a restless time it is to be alive. But I'm here. We're here. So let's make the best of it.

We're Becoming Desperate

I don't even know where to begin, but I guess I will start by saying that the murder of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile sparked something in me, and millions of others; desperation. Our society humiliated itself and terminated the existence of 2 souls in front of the world once again. I unremittingly thought to myself, "how did we get here?" I mean, I know the history of this nation, I understand that the very foundation of the "new world" was built off the backs of black and brown people, but... wtf?

Haven't we advanced enough to acknowledge this country's history of mistreatment of POC? Haven't we seen enough videos to accept that something isn't right? How is it not blatantly clear to everyone that the issues we're facing today are systemic, ugly, and very much so our reality. And by "our" reality I mean, America's reality.

Black Lives Matter

Those experiencing heartache are chanting "Black Lives Matter" because it is clear that many fail to treat them like so. Yet even still, people quickly shut it down by saying "All Lives Matter". Sigh. How do people not get it? In my mind, it's unfathomable...it truly is. Is it because I'm a woman of color? Or maybe it's because Philando could've easily been my father, uncle, friend, cousin etc. Idk. But I feel like it shouldn't have to take that direct connection to understand that there's an issue and it's worth speaking up about. I keep wondering what goes on in the minds of my white friends who say they care for me but are quick to say all to counteract black. Or, to my friends who don't say anything at all. As much as I don't want to think that they don't truly care about me or my people, it's a reoccurring thought. A hurtful and heart wrenching one at that.

I saw "All Lives Matter" plastered on IG, Facebook, Twitter etc. and didn't directly comment or say anything once, but what I really wanted to say was:

"What?! Excuse me?! Even after all of this you still refuse to acknowledge us? Even after all of this, society AS A WHOLE cannot come together and say WE F**KED UP AGAIN. LET'S COME TOGETHER AND BEGIN TO FIX IT THIS TIME, SO ALL LIVES CAN REALLY MATTER AND WE CAN BEGIN HEALING. AS A NATION".

But, no... Apparently, it cannot. Apparently, I gave our progress a little too much credit because shit is hitting the fan again, and again we're not coming together as a collective to denounce it. Apparently, only certain rights (like the lives of bunnies #Peta) are worth conjointly fighting for, but again some don't seem to believe the rights of black and brown people is one of them...what a shame.

However, this won't stop me, or you, from fighting for what we know to be right.

We've Got To Be Strong. Even Through the Pain

As hurt as I am that a portion of our society remains indifferent about truly pushing for racial equality, I know for certain that many of us are awake (#WokeASF). Brave souls such as Leshia Evans and many many others found it within themselves to stand up for our right to live free of overarching fear, despite being surrounded by militarized police forces. I myself don't know that feeling, but I can only imagine the tremendous amount of courage it took to do so.

Part of the tears I cried when I watched protest videos came from anger and fear for the protesters but most came as a result of me coming to the painful realization that this was the tipping point. As tears pooled in my eyes I came to terms with the fact that things are going to get much worse before getting any better, and that's the part that terrifies me (and I think it terrifies you too).

But, that's just the way things go. We can either curl up and be afraid or face it head on and get through it together.

If' I'm being honest here, I broke down last week in the most pragmatic and matter of fact way possible. I had never been so discouraged in my ceaseless faith for humanity. I had held onto my conviction for so long, but with everything going on here in the U.S (and abroad) I morosely admitted that we were doomed. I was going to wait around until the "pre-negotiated plan of martial law" came into effect and just exist. I  admit that it was the ugliest head space I'd ever been in.

But then, in the midst of my gloom, I remembered that I am still very much so part of this society, I am very much so alive, and I can very much so make a change. No matter what.

Self Care Is Vital

So, with that being said, I got myself out of the extremely dark state I was in by going to the beach with my best friend and decided to be part of the societal change we so desperately need. That day, I vowed to myself, and now to you, to start conversations that matter. To do my part in planting the seeds for the cohesive humanity I know is attainable. It's clear that I won't be alive to experience this societal commonality, but putting my effort into creating one for future generations is the legacy I hope to leave behind.

Despite what the media portrays, the majority of us want peace and I know it has become difficult to stay optimistic, but we as a whole cannot afford to let go of our harmonious range of view. Us 20-30 somethings are in our prime for a reason. We're the next ones up,  and I am positive that when it's our turn to take over the government and control the influential platforms we'll do what is right for us.

Surround Yourself With Positivity

Until then, I encourage you to surround yourself with progressive open-minded beings. Your prudence cannot afford any more self-inflicted negativity. You get to choose the people you keep around, so for your own sake please get a hold on the energy you elect. Admit people into your circle who are on the same mission of promoting peace, equality, and understanding.  I know those of you living in Miami are probably thinking "that's impossible to find here" but I promise you it's not.

Eventually, people will have no choice but to join the right side of history or be ousted from the conscious revolution that is destined. The difference between us and them is that we were chosen to initiate the metamorphosis.


The Best You


Nobody Said Friends Came Easy