Self-Sexualization For Likes: What To Do


If the Self-Sexualization For Likes series has resonated with you in any way it's because the points being brought up have crossed your mind in one form or another. It personally became a reoccurring problem in my mind, and it drove me crazy that this conversation was limited to small discussions in private homes, and not open for deliberation in public; that is why I brought it here.

After much thought, I've come to the realization that the absolute only way to deviate the next generation of young girls from a path of unsound perspectives on self-worth, acceptance, and self-esteem is to simply talk about this. The current hyper-sexualized environment our society has brewed can no longer be treated as rational or normal, but how are the young girls being affected going to know any different if we don't enlighten them?

Introducing an opposing narrative to "hyper-sex" will inevitably plant a seed for future generations to deliberately question what they see. If young girls are taught to intentionally monitor the reasoning behind their actions, they'll pick up when they're giving into peer pressure or when they're acting out behavior that is truly reflective of who they are. At their core, all these young girls want is to feel love, acceptance, and respect. Human beings have evolved to yearn the attention of others for survival. With this in mind, we can either choose to socialize the upcoming generation to satisfy their innate desires for attention healthily or destructively.

Which path are you going to choose?


Yeezy Taught You


Self-Sexualization For Likes: Why?