They Don't Want Us To Travel So, We Travel
Americans Don't Really Travel
American’s don’t really travel. There, I said it! I've observed "travel trends" and I've concluded that here in the states extended travel simply isn’t encouraged. By travel, I don’t mean partaking in week long Carnival Cruises that sail through the Caribbean, or even the 5-day touristy prance around Rome (not trying to throw shade if that's your wave). I mean the full open- minded cultural immersion. The at times uncomfortable type of travel. I'd argue that Australians and Europeans have mastered it. But us Americans, not quite. Whenever I go overseas the people I meet are almost never Americans. Instead, American culture pressures us to begin working incessantly right after graduating. You've gotta paying off student loans, "start your life", begin working on your 401k, dry-clean your clothes etc. That societal burden doesn't sit well with me. Traveling promotes so much personal growth and I believe it's especially impactful for young people as they embark on their intimate quests to becoming the best adults possible. Now, let's take into consideration that most of us weren’t born into affluent families and we've had to work for the things we want so, traveling extensively wasn’t something we were privileged to at a young age.
But it’s truly never too late.
The Perks Of Traveling
Traveling (especially solo) will bring out a version of yourself you didn’t even know was there to begin with. You'll become resourceful, witty, confident, and simply marvelous. When you travel you don’t have the headaches from back home. You can truly go with your own flow. That is of course assuming that you enjoy being brought out of your comfort zone and getting your feet dirty. I can guarantee that your faith in humanity will be restored and you'll come back humble af. Again, this only applies if you're really traveling. And let me be clear, I’m far from being a globetrotter. “American life” has gotten to me a bit, but I do try taking at least 3 trips a year and each time I become more and more in awe of what traveling does to my mind. If you’ve already gotten a taste of the "travel bug" then you need no convincing, but for those of you who say you can’t afford it or simply have no interest in it…you’re doing yourself a disservice. Cut back on splurging on material possessions, over priced drinks, and all the other crap we get sucked into buying and you’ll quickly see that you can save up for a trip out of your city in a blink of an eye. You’ll love yourself for the experiences and lessons you can only gain by going out there and appreciating our beautiful interconnectedness!
Next to health and family…traveling is my most prized past time.
You’ll see how quickly it’ll become yours too.
My amazing oversees mom, Mary and I in 2012.
The study abroad trip that changed me forever. Spain, 2012