Thanks For the Honesty, America
As of November 9th, 2016, we have a new President-Elect and his name is Donald J.Trump
Personally, I had anxiety all throughout November 8th and barely got sleep knowing that the upcoming President of the United States is a socially divisive TV reality star. Like many, after the DNC screwed over Bernie Sanders I lost my interest and trust in the 2016 election. I was extremely upset and felt cheated at a shot of my country openly accepting a progressive path, but one thing I had no doubt in was my extreme disgust of the thought of having Trump as the leader of the free world (btw you will never hear me say President Trump, to me he is and will always just be Trump). With this in mind, you can only imagine I was completely horrified at the result of the election.
Let me make something clear, and I'm going to jump the gun by assuming I speak for most people on this; I am not afraid of Trump himself. He as an individual has proven to be weak-minded and unable to handle any sort of pressure. What I am afraid of are the implications his candidacy will have in our societal interactions. As I listen to Trump supporters express that they don't literally believe him, they just agree there needs to be change, I can't help but shake my head. I think "how can these people be serious?" Is it because 90% of the things that have come out of his mouth throughout his campaign were false? Is this why nobody believes his hateful words stand true? I truly have no rationale for this way of thinking
I am worried about hate spreading like wildfire on the sides of both anti and pro-Trump supporters. This is what has me deep in thought. I mean, there are riots and protests going on as we speak. Nazi graffiti was found throughout Philly just ONE DAY AFTER the results were announced. One. Day. For those of you who, like me, clearly saw the backward qualities this human being embodied at the onset of his campaign, I feel your angst. As a triple minority (female, black, and Latina) I immediately felt unease take over knowing that so many of those among me supported a man who holds no true value for me, my family, or my diverse peers. For those of you who voted for Trump, I promise I am trying my best to not to judge you
With all of this being said, I just want to leave you with this. No matter what you look like, who you pray to, who you love, or how much money you have-always choose peace. Always choose love. Always choose acceptance. These are the sole purposes for your existence. You were born to live blissfully. I wholeheartedly believe it.
Something I've always told my family and friends in times that life gets tough is that we are literally here on this planet, at this time and age, for a reason. We will be the change.
What Now?
It's time to go back to our roots.
We've gotta go back to respecting Earth. Having faith in God (in whichever peaceful way you choose). Eating real food. Ceasing the endless buy into consumerism...etc.
Tap into that loving energy that makes you human. Use your undeniable free will to infuse your life with greatness, and help those around you. I have faith in you, in myself-in US.
I love you.