Callie Schweitzer: The Future Of Content Creation, Building Authentic Networks, Treating Yourself Like Your Own Client
Get to know Callie Schweitzer
I talked about feeling abundant and hopeful for the possibilities of Goddess Council! I was joined by Callie Schweitzer, founder of CSCH a creative strategy and consulting firm that helps businesses and individuals increase reach, relevance, and revenue. She’s a highly creative and strategic leader in media and tech and most recently served as the chief content officer at Thrive Global Arianna Huffington’s health and well-being company and has held leadership positions at Time Inc, Time, Vox Media, and Talking Points Memo. She’s been named twice to Forbes’ 30 under 30 list, Business Insiders 30 Most Important women in Tech under 30 and has garnered recognition by many other organizations.We discussed the future of content creation, building authentic networks, healthy media consumption, treating ourselves like our own clients, and so much more!
Check out Callie at, on Twitter at @cschweitz and Instagram at @cshweitz.